So I'm down to the wire. Really. In three weeks I will be done with school (and I will be 29!!) but before then I have a master's project to complete and another big paper to write. I am definitely, without question, a master procrastinator -- and this year, with these papers, it is no different. Ugh.
I mean, I definitely have been working hard all semester, but I don't know if I have been serious. Seriously serious. Like I was in the beginning of my program. Now is the time.
This past week, as I've been working, I have been daydreaming of that night in the not-so-distant future when M and I can go out to dinner and then walk around some fancy schmancy part of town with the white lights glittering (it is that time of year, so pretty). We will have crepes for dessert and then browse the bookstore and craft shop and I will think about things like wedding invitations and pleasure reading, and maybe my next trip to Africa, without feeling guilty. And without having all.that.work.sitting. right.there. over.my.head.
But until then, while I am being seriously serious (and I am!), I think I will leave you with some links. They are my procrastination, really. But maybe you need procrastination, too?
I made this delicious pumpkin cranberry bread twice over Thanksgiving weekend. You should definitely try it.
Matidi's photos are always stunning.
Go see whose prints are up at Tiny Showcase.
If you like ceramics or pottery, window shop and look at all the beeeeauuuutiful things here and here. You can also go on a mini-vacation out to a farm, right here. Ahhhhh.
And if you want to keep me company in the land of seriously serious
(seriously nerdy! m would say) ....well then....welcome! Here's where you will find me while I am working:
It feels like I am always on this website. If you have any interest at all in human displacement or forced migration, everything you ever possibly wanted to know is located at this site. This is where I often get lost and sidetracked and soon it is 2 hours later and I have forgotten what it is I was originally looking for. Hmmm...maybe m is right about that nerdy thing.
This briefly addresses the main topic of my work this year: child-mothers. Very generally, I am focusing on educational opportunities for them and their children.
I use the reports, articles and research off of this site, too. Pretty amazing resources on health, human rights, trauma, and psychosocial work. Another place I can spend hours.
And to keep me motivated and moving forward? These dear images from last year:

Alright. That is all for now, friends! Back to work. Love to you all...
Some great links in your post. Congrats on almost being done with grad school - what is your degree in? I got my MSW in 04 from UW. It sounds like you may be on a similar path. what are your plans after school?
I can tell I will be spending many hours on the forced migration website - thanks for sharing that link.
And thanks too for participating in our contest!
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